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Steps in creating an authorized account:

 USA & International New Account Registrations will only be accepted by Referrals from the existing authorized members. 

  1. You must accurately fill out the related personal info and billing address fields.  Billing and shipping address must be consistent with the valid photo id that you have submitted. Please ensure your registered email and contact number are active and valid. 

* If shipping address and shipment receiving name is different than billing address and billing name you may be required to provide valid documents to support your explanation/reason(s), we may even require to contact the different shipment receiver’s name to authenticate and verify this person is aware or is legally responsible to receive the order on your behalf and the different receiver’s name may also be required to go through our registration and authorization process.

* Only one email per valid/authorized registered account. Any duplicate billing address/personal info on a different registered email will be rejected and undergo an investigation. Please DO NOT re-register, this will potentially cause duplication and more delays in getting your account authorized.

  1. Upload a clear selfie picture holding a valid photo id. Any unclear picture or if the photo id has any alteration then you may be rejected or may be required to upload a clearer selfie picture with a valid photo id.
  2. You must download our research description form to complete with the required initials and signature either digitally or handwritten and then upload.
  3. Scroll to read and click on agree to our terms and conditions policy.

 Note: If the above 4 steps are not completed then the registration is not completed. Once you completed the 4 steps accurately, our verification team will verify your submitted documents and registered info. Once verified you either will receive a welcome email to inform you that your new registered account has been authorized or we will contact you for more verification or your registered account may be rejected if it violates our terms and conditions policy

Terms And Conditions Of Use

Important: Perspective client must read and understand the following terms and conditions as well as the Terms of Service before placing any order. 


You must be 21 years of age or older to purchase from our website for our authorized USA and International clients. For our authorized Canadian clients you must be 19 years of age or older. All products sold by ChemLogix.ca are sold strictly for research purposes.

It is the client’s responsibility to fully research the chemicals ordered. All safety precautions must be followed. MSDS’s are not available for all products because some of these products are very new and MSDS’s have not been generated for all products. 

ChemLogix.ca does everything possible to ensure quality and purity of its products but makes no warranty as to the fitness for the products. Canadian clients must send in a scan of the government ID.

By purchasing any products from Chemlogix.ca you agree that you are intending to use any products purchased for research purposes ONLY.

By purchasing any of our products or by visiting our website you have entered into an electronic agreement stating your awareness of the legal regulations and requirements involved with these individual compounds and chemicals according to your location, as well as your knowledge of their data, information and all dangers associated with any and all products listed on our website including possible injury or death.

Our products are strictly not for human consumption, nor are they for veterinary or any animal use or testing.

Resale of our products is strictly forbidden without a license.

Any violations of these policies will result in permanent termination of your accounts and potential future services as well as possible notifications to the proper authorities.

All information transmitted via e-mail is kept private and confidential.

Our company accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided.

Our shipping and customer account application processes are updated regularly for our mutual and legal protection. You must be prepared to provide proof of identity as well as proof of address first and foremost.

There are other screening procedures which are taken on a case-by-case basis to avoid fraudulent activity or any misuse.

Our shipping policies and account policies are subject to change at any time for any reason, and we reserve the right to make whatever changes necessary to maintain security and to maintain our mutual and legal protection.

By clicking to "I agree with terms  and conditions" below. You have agreed to the terms of service and will adhere to them unconditionally.

Account Settings

Shipping Information


Upload a picture or scan of your research description form filled out (only jpg,png,gif,pdf files allowed).

Upload a clear selfie picture holding a valid photo government identification (only jpg,png,gif,pdf files allowed)