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COVID-19 Updates

Dear clients,


Here in Canada and around the world, we are closely monitoring the evolving situations and restrictions caused by COVID-19. We have implemented preventative measures:  personal & work area hygiene and disinfecting, and social distancing.  Our staff has been encouraged to take voluntary time off.  Our shipping and customer service departments are on minimal staffing.  Orders, inquiries and processing time may take longer; therefore, there may be a delay in delivery time-frame.

We recommend all our customers to check on the delivery procedure changes being made with the related shipping method/carrier by going to their website: Purolator/FedEx/Canada Post (Canadian Customers)  and USPS/International Post Office (USA/International Customers). 

For examples:




Please keep in mind we are prepared to meet any last minute or health emergency announcement from our local and provincial government. 

We are very grateful for your support and patience. We will keep you updated on how or if COVID-19  is affecting our business procedures and policies. 


Last Updated:  March 22, 2020: