does not store any of our customers' information in a publicly accessible database. We use highly secure servers. We do however abide by Canadian Laws, and no user information will be given unless a warrant is provided. We believe in your right to privacy and we do everything in our power to protect your privacy. Feel free to contact us if you would like further information on our privacy policies.
Canadian and International Laws: We do not and will not sell any chemicals that are restricted in Canada. If you are an international client, you must check your country’s list of restricted substances. We will double-check your order and try to minimize mistakes, If you order any research chemicals that are restricted in your country, your order will be cancelled and a refund less transaction fee will be issued.
We require a valid photo ID for age verification. Your photo ID will automatically be deleted after your account is Authorized. We will keep your completed and signed research description.
Last Updated: June 26, 2020: